

作者:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司 2008-05-26T00:00 (访问量:8237)













[1]        Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid may be involved in the regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence in perennials: A case study in field-grown Salvia officinalis L. plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008:in press. (IMAGING-PAM)

[2]        Abreua ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid may be involved in the regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence in perennials: A case study in field-grown Salvia officinalis L. plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008:in press. (Imaging-PAM)

[3]        Ali NA, Juneau P, Didur O, Perreault F, Popovic R. Effect of dichromate on photosystem II activity in xanthophylldeficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Photosynthesis Research 2008;95 (1):45-53. (IMAGING-PAM)

[4]        Arena C, Vitale L, De Santo AV. Paraheliotropism in Robinia pseudoacacia L.: an efficient strategy to optimise photosynthetic performance under natural environmental conditions. Plant Biology 2008;10 (2):194-201. (MINI-PAM, HCM-1000)

[5]        Bailey S, Melis A, Mackey KRM, Cardol P, Finazzi G, Dijken Gv, Berg GM, Arrigo K, Shrager J, Grossman A. Alternative photosynthetic electron flow to oxygen in marine Synechococcus Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008;1777 (3):269-76. (WATER-PAM)

[6]        Barnes PW, Flint SD, Slusser JR, Gao W, Ryel RJ. Diurnal changes in epidermal UV transmittance of plants in naturally high UV environments. Physiologia Plantarum 2008;133 (2):363-72. (UV-A-PAM)

[7]        Belnap J, Phillips SL, Flint S, Money J, Caldwell M. Global change and biological soil crusts: effects of ultraviolet augmentation under altered precipitation regimes and nitrogen additions. Global Change Biology 2008;14 (3):670-86. (PAM-2000)

[8]        Belshe EF, Durako MJ, Blum JE. Diurnal light curves and landscape-scale variation in photosynthetic characteristics of Thalassia testudinum in Florida Bay Aquatic Botany 2008;89 (1):16-22. (DIVING-PAM)

[9]        Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Sun JZ, Wang XZ, Han XG, Jiang GM. Genotypic differences in leaf biochemical, physiological and growth responses to ozone in 20 winter wheat cultivars released over the past 60 years. Global Change Biology 2008;14 (1):46-59. (GFS-3000)

[10]      Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ, Jiang GM. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. J. Exp. Bot. 2008;59 (4):951-63. (PAM-2000)

[11]      Borghi M, Tognetti R, Monteforti G, Sebastiani L. Responses of two poplar species (Populus alba and Populus x canadensis) to high copper concentrations. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008;62 (3):290-9. (PAM-2000)

[12]      Brussaard CPD, Timmermans KR, Uitz J, Veldhuis MJW. Virioplankton dynamics and virally induced phytoplankton lysis versus microzooplankton grazing southeast of the Kerguelen (Southern Ocean) Deep Sea Research 2008;55 (5-7):752-65. (PHYTO-PAM)

[13]      Bulychev AA, Krupenina NA. Action potential opens access for the charged cofactor to the chloroplasts of Chara corallina cells Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2008;55 (2):175-84. (MICROSCOPY-PAM)

[14]      Burghardt I, Stemmer K, Wägele H. Symbiosis between Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) and various taxa of Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda), with analyses of long-term retention Organisms Diversity & Evolution 2008;8 (1):66-76. (DIVING-PAM)

[15]      Busch F, Huner NPA, Ensminger I. Increased Air Temperature during Simulated Autumn Conditions Impairs Photosynthetic Electron Transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I. Plant Physiology 2008;147 (1):402-14. (PAM-2100)

[16]      Calatayud Á, Gorbe E, Roca D, Martínez PF. Effect of two nutrient solution temperatures on nitrate uptake, nitrate reductase activity, NH4+ concentration and chlorophyll a fluorescence in rose plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008:in press. (IMAGING-PAM)

[17]      Cano L, Escarre J, Fleck I, Blanco-Moreno JM, Sans FX. Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using Senecio pterophorus. Journal of Ecology 2008;96 (3):468-76. (MINI-PAM)

[18]      Chen Q, Wang LF, Su N, Qin HD, Niu HB, Wang JL, Zhai HQ, Wan JM. Photosystem 2 photochemistry and pigment composition of a yellow mutant of rice ( Oryza sativa L.) under different irradiances Photosynthetica 2008;46 (1):35-9. (PAM-2000)

[19]      Chi W, Ma J, Zhang D, Guo J, Chen F, Lu C, Zhang L. The PPR Protein DG1 is Involved in the Regulation of Early Chloroplast Development and Chloroplast Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 2008:in press. (PAM-2000)

[20]      de Bianchi S, Dall'Osto L, Tognon G, Morosinotto T, Bassi R. Minor Antenna Proteins CP24 and CP26 Affect the Interactions between Photosystem II Subunits and the Electron Transport Rate in Grana Membranes of Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 2008:in press. (PAM-100)

[21]      Debez A, Koyro HW, Grignon C, Abdelly C, Huchzermeyer B. Relationship between the photosynthetic activity and the performance of Cakile maritima after long-term salt treatment. Physiologia Plantarum 2008;133 (2):373-85. (TEACHING-PAM)

[22]      Drath M, Kloft N, Batschauer A, Marin K, Novak J, Forchhammer K. Ammonia triggers photodamage of photosystem II in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Plant Physiology 2008:in press. (WATER-PAM)

[23]      Duan J, Li J, Guo SR, Kang Y. Exogenous spermidine affects polyamine metabolism in salinity-stressed Cucumis sativus roots and enhances short-term salinity tolerance Journal of Plant Physiology 2008:in press. (PAM-2100)

[24]      Eisenstadt D, Ohad I, Keren N, Kaplan A. Changes in the photosynthetic reaction centre II in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum result in non-photochemical fluorescence quenching. Environmental Microbiology 2008:in press. (PAM-100)

[25]      Fang J, Chai C, Qian Q, Li C, Tang J, Sun L, Huang Z, Guo X, Sun C, Liu M, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Wang Y, Lu C, Han B, Chen F, Cheng Z, Chu C. Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal 2008;54 (2):177-89. (PAM-2100)

[26]      Fukuda S-y, Yamakawa R, Hirai M, Kashino Y, Koike H, Satoh K. Mechanisms to Avoid Photoinhibition in a Desiccation-Tolerant Cyanobacterium, Nostoc commune. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (3):488-92. (PAM-100)

[27]      Gao K, Li P, Watanabe T, Helbling EW. Combined effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature on morphology, photosynthesis, and DNA of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta). Journal of Phycology 2008:in press. (WATER-PAM)

[28]      Gomes FP, Oliva MA, Mielke MS, Almeida A-AFd, Leite HG, Aquino LA. Photosynthetic limitations in leaves of young Brazilian Green Dwarf coconut (Cocos nucifera L. ‘nana’) palm under well-watered conditions or recovering from drought stress Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008;62 (3):195-204. (MINI-PAM)

[29]      Gong H, Tang Y, Wang J, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C. Characterization of photosystem II in salt-stressed cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008:in press. (PAM-2100)

[30]      González-Pérez S, Quijano C, Romero N, Melø TB, Radi R, Arellano JB. Peroxynitrite inhibits electron transport on the acceptor side of higher plant photosystem II Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2008;473 (1):25-33. (PAM-2000)

[31]      Guidi L, Degl’Innocenti E. Ozone effects on high light-induced photoinhibition in Phaseolus vulgaris Plant Science 2008;174 (6):590-6. (IMAGING-PAM)

[32]      Hald S, Nandha B, Gallois P, Johnson GN. Feedback regulation of photosynthetic electron transport by NADP(H) redox poise Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008;1777 (5):433-40. (PAM-100)

[33]      Han T, Kang S-H, Park J-S, Lee H-K, Brown MT. Physiological responses of Ulva pertusa and U. armoricana to copper exposure Aquatic Toxicology 2008;86 (2):176-84. (DIVING-PAM)

[34]      Hancke K, Hancke TB, Olsen LM, Johnsen G, Glud RN. Temperature effects on microalgal photosynthesis-light responses measured by O2 production, pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorescence, and 14C assimilation. Journal of Phycology 2008;44 (2):501-14. (DIVING-PAM)

[35]      Hauck M, Jürgens S-R. Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens Environmental Pollution 2008:in press. (PAM-2100)

[36]      Hill R, Ralph PJ. Impact of bleaching stress on the function of the oxygen evolving complex of zooxanthellae from scleractinian corals. Journal of Phycology 2008;44 (2):299-310. (WATER-PAM)

[37]      Horst RJ, Engelsdorf T, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Infection of maize leaves with Ustilago maydis prevents establishment of C4 photosynthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology 2008;165 (1):19-28. (IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000)

[38]      Howeth JG, Leibold MA. Planktonic dispersal dampens temporal trophic cascades in pond metacommunities. Ecology Letters 2008;11 (3):245-57. (PHYTO-PAM)

[39]      Howieson MJ, Christians NE. Carbohydrate Metabolism and Efficiency of Photosystem II in Mown Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). HortScience 2008;43 (2):525-31. (PAM-100)

[40]      Ichikawa K, Miyake C, Iwano M, Sekine M, Shinmyo A, Kato K. Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Large Subunit Translation is Regulated in a Small Subunit-Independent Manner in the Expanded Leaves of Tobacco. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (2):214-25. (PAM-100)

[41]      Ingleton T, Kobayashi T, Sanderson B, Patra R, Macinnis-Ng CMO, Hindmarsh B, Bowling LC. Investigations of the temporal variation of cyanobacterial and other phytoplanktonic cells at the offtake of a large reservoir, and their survival following passage through it. Hydrobiologia 2008;603 (1):221-40. (PHYTO-PAM)

[42]      Jung S, Back K, Yang K, Kuk YI, Chon S-U. Defence response produced during photodynamic damage in transgenic rice overexpressing 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase Photosynthetica 2008;46 (1):3-9. (PAM-2000)

[43]      Kaňa R, Vass I. Thermoimaging as a tool for studying light-induced heating of leaves Correlation of heat dissipation with the efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry and non-photochemical quenching Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008:in press. (PAM-100)

[44]      Knauert S, Knauer K. The role of reactive oxygen species in copper toxicity to two freshwater green algae. Journal of Phycology 2008;44 (2):311-9. (TOXY-PAM)

[45]      Koniger M, Delamaide JA, Marlow ED, Harris GC. Arabidopsis thaliana leaves with altered chloroplast numbers and chloroplast movement exhibit impaired adjustments to both low and high light. J. Exp. Bot. 2008:in press. (PAM-2000)

[46]      Kotabová E, Kaňa R, Kyseláková H, Lípová L, Novák O, Ilík P. A pronounced light-induced zeaxanthin formation accompanied by an unusually slight increase in non-photochemical quenching: A study with barley leaves treated with methyl viologen at moderate light Journal of Plant Physiology 2008:in press. (PAM-2000)

[47]      Lange PR, Geserick C, Tischendorf G, Zrenner R. Functions of Chloroplastic Adenylate Kinases in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2008;146:492-504. (IMAGING-PAM)

[48]      Lehr N-A, Schrey SD, Hampp R, Tarkka MT. Root inoculation with a forest soil streptomycete leads to locally and systemically increased resistance against phytopathogens in Norway spruce. New Phytologist 2008;177 (4):965-76. (IMAGING-PAM)

[49]      Liu C, Zhang Y, Cao D, He Y, Kuang T, Yang C. Structural and Functional Analysis of the Antiparallel Strands in the Lumenal Loop of the Major Light-harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Complex of Photosystem II (LHCIIb) by Site-directed Mutagenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008;283 (1):487-95. (PAM-100)

[50]      López-Rodas V, Perdigones N, Marvá F, Rouco M, García-Cabrera JA. Adaptation of Phytoplankton to Novel Residual Materials of Water Pollution: An Experimental Model Analysing the Evolution of an Experimental Microalgal Population Under Formaldehyde Contamination Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2008;80 (2):158-62. (Toxy-PAM)

[51]      Lu Y, Savage LJ, Ajjawi I, Imre KM, Yoder DW, Benning C, DellaPenna D, Ohlrogge JB, Osteryoung KW, Weber AP, Wilkerson CG, Last RL. New Connections across Pathways and Cellular Processes: Industrialized Mutant Screening Reveals Novel Associations between Diverse Phenotypes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2008;146 (4):1482-500. (IMAGING-PAM)

[52]      Ma W, Chen L, Wei L, Wang Q. Excitation energy transfer between photosystems in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 Journal of Luminescence 2008;128 (3):546-8. (DUAL-PAM-100)

[53]      Martínez B, Rico JM. Changes in nutrient content of Palmaria palmata in response to variable light and upwelling in Northern Spain. Journal of Phycology 2008;44 (1):50-9. (DIVING-PAM)

[54]      Matringe M, Ksas B, Rey P, Havaux M. Tocotrienols, the unsaturated forms of vitamin E, can function as antioxidants and lipid protectors in tobacco leaves. Plant Physiology 2008:in press. (PAM-2000)

[55]      Matsubara S, Krause GH, Seltmann M, Virgo A, Kursar TA, Jahns P, Winter K. Lutein epoxide cycle, light harvesting and photoprotection in species of the tropical tree genus Inga. Plant Cell and Environment 2008;31 (4):548-61. (MINI-PAM)

[56]      Matsuda R, Ohashi-Kaneko K, Fujiwara K, Kurata K. Effects of Blue Light Deficiency on Acclimation of Light Energy Partitioning in PSII and CO2 Assimilation Capacity to High Irradiance in Spinach Leaves. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (4):664-70. (MINI-PAM)

[57]      Middlebrook R, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Leggat W. The effect of thermal history on the susceptibility of reef-building corals to thermal stress. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008;211 (7):1050-6. (IMAGING-PAM)

[58]      Mojaat M, Foucault A, Pruvost J, Legrand J. Optimal selection of organic solvents for biocompatible extraction of β-carotene from Dunaliella salina Journal of Biotechnology 2008;133 (4):433-41. (WATER-PAM)

[59]      Muraoka H, Noda H, Uchida M, Ohtsuka T, Koizumi H, Nakatsubo T. Photosynthetic characteristics and biomass distribution of the dominant vascular plant species in a high Arctic tundra ecosystem, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: implications for their role in ecosystem carbon gain Journal of Plant Research 2008;121 (2):137-45. (PAM-2100)

[60]      Nunes C, Araújo SdS, Silva JMd, Fevereiro MPS, Silva ABd. Physiological responses of the legume model Medicago truncatula cv. Jemalong to water deficit Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008;63 (1-3):289-96. (PAM-100)

[61]      Okegawa Y, Kagawa Y, Kobayashi Y, Shikanai T. Characterization of Factors Affecting the Activity of Photosystem I Cyclic Electron Transport in Chloroplasts. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (5):825-34. (MINI-PAM)

[62]      Papazi A, Makridis P, Divanach P, Kotzabasis K. Bioenergetic changes in the microalgal photosynthetic apparatus by extremely high CO2 concentrations induce an intense biomass production. Physiologia Plantarum 2008;132 (3):338-49. (TEACHING-PAM)

[63]      Pattanaik B, Roleda MY, Schumann R, Karsten U. Isolate-specific effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis, growth and mycosporine-like amino acids in the microbial mat-forming cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes. Planta 2008;227 (4):907-16. (PAM-2000)

[64]      Pieruschka R, Chavarria-Krauser A, Cloos K, Scharr H, Schurr U, Jahnke S. Photosynthesis can be enhanced by lateral CO2 diffusion inside leaves over distances of several millimeters. New Phytologist 2008;178 (2):335-47. (IMAGING-PAM)

[65]      Piniak GA, Storlazzi CD. Diurnal variability in turbidity and coral fluorescence on a fringing reef flat: Southern Molokai, Hawaii Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2008;77 (1):56-64. (DIVING-PAM)

[66]      Porcar-Castell A, Pfündel E, Korhonen JFJ, Juurola E. A new monitoring PAM fluorometer ( MONI-PAM ) to study the short- and long-term acclimation of photosystem II in field conditions Photosynthesis Research 2008;96 (2):173-9. (MONITORING-PAM)

[67]      Prieto L, Vaillancourt RD, Hales B, Marra J. On the relationship between carbon fixation efficiency and bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 2008;30 (1):43-56. (XE-PAM)

[68]      Ranf S, Wünnenberg P, Lee J, Becker D, Dunkel M, Hedrich R, Scheel D, Dietrich P. Loss of the vacuolar cation channel, AtTPC1, does not impair Ca2+ signals induced by abiotic and biotic stresses. The Plant Journal 2008;53 (2):287-99. (GFS-3000)

[69]      Read J, Wevill T, Fletcher T, Deletic A. Variation among plant species in pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems Water Research 2008;42 (4-5):893-902. (MINI-PAM)

[70]      Rentzou A, Psaras GK. Green plastids, maximal PSII photochemical efficiency and starch content of inner stem tissues of three Mediterranean woody species during the year Flora 2008;203 (4):350-7. (IMAGING-PAM)

[71]      Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Huot Y, Ferrier-Pages C. Photosynthetic response of the Mediterranean zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa to the natural range of light and temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008;211 (10):1579-86. (DIVING-PAM)

[72]      Roff G, Ulstrup KE, Fine M, Ralph PJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O. Spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic activity within diseased corals from the Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Phycology 2008;44 (2):526-38. (IMAGING-PAM)

[73]      Roleda MY, Dethleff D, Wiencke C. Transient sediment load on blades of Arctic Saccharina latissima can mitigate UV radiation effect on photosynthesis Polar Biology 2008;31 (6):765-9. (PAM-2100)

[74]      Saroussi S, Beer S. Alpha and quantum yield of aquatic plants derived from PAM fluorometry: Uses and misuses Aquatic Botany 2008;86 (1):89-92. (DIVING-PAM)

[75]      Sawada H, Shim I-S, Usui K, Kobayashi K, Fujihara S. Adaptive mechanism of Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi under salt stress: Effect of salicylic acid on salt sensitivity Plant Science 2008;174 (6):583-9. (MINI-PAM)

[76]      Schmitt-Jansen M, Altenburger R. Community-level microalgal toxicity assessment by multiwavelength-excitation PAM fluorometry Aquatic Toxicology 2008;86 (1):49-58. (PHYTO-PAM)

[77]      Shimizu H, Peng L, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Shikanai T. CRR23/NdhL is a Subunit of the Chloroplast NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase Complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (5):835-42. (MINI-PAM)

[78]      Sienkiewi, , , cz-Porzucek A, Nunes-Nesi A, Sulpice R, Lisec J, Centeno DC, Carillo P, Leisse A, Urbanczyk-Wochniak E, Fernie AR. Mild Reductions in Mitochondrial Citrate Synthase Activity Result in a Compromised Nitrate Assimilation and Reduced Leaf Pigmentation But Have No Effect on Photosynthetic Performance or Growth. Plant Physiology 2008;147 (1):115-27. (MINI-PAM)

[79]      Smith-Keune C, Dove S. Gene Expression of a Green Fluorescent Protein Homolog as a Host-Specific Biomarker of Heat Stress Within a Reef-Building Coral Marine Biotechnology 2008;10 (2):166-80. (DIVING-PAM)

[80]      Sofonia JJ, Anthony KRN. High-sediment tolerance in the reef coral Turbinaria mesenterina from the inner Great Barrier Reef lagoon (Australia) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2008:in press. (DIVING-PAM)

[81]      Stefanov D, Terashima I. Non-photochemical loss in PSII in high- and low-light-grown leaves of Vicia faba quantified by several fluorescence parameters including LNP,, a novel parameter. Physiologia Plantarum 2008;133 (2):327-38. (PAM-100)

[82]      Stiller I, Dulai S, Kondrák M, Tarnai R, Szabó L, Toldi O, Bánfalvi Z. Effects of drought on water content and photosynthetic parameters in potato plants expressing the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Planta 2008;227 (2):299-308. (PAM-100)

[83]      Suárez L, Zarco-Tejada PJ, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Pérez-Priego O, Miller JR, Jiménez-Muñoz JC, Sobrino J. Assessing canopy PRI for water stress detection with diurnal airborne imagery Remote Sensing of Environment 2008;112 (2):560-75. (PAM-2100)

[84]      Suzuki K, Nagasuga K, Okada M. The Chilling Injury Induced by High Root Temperature in the Leaves of Rice Seedlings. Plant Cell Physiol. 2008;49 (3):433-42. (PAM-100)

[85]      Szabó M, Lepetit B, Goss R, Wilhelm C, Mustárdy L, Garab G. Structurally flexible macro-organization of the pigment–protein complexes of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Photosynthesis Research 2008;95 (2-3):237-45. (PAM-100)

[86]      Tattini M, Traversi ML. On the mechanism of salt tolerance in olive (Olea europaea L.) under low- or high-Ca2+ supply Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008:in press. (PAM-2000)

[87]      Timmermans KR, Veldhuis MJW, Laan P, Brussaard CPD. Probing natural iron fertilization near the Kerguelen (Southern Ocean) using natural phytoplankton assemblages and diatom cultures. Deep Sea Research 2008;55 (5-7):693-705. (PHYTO-PAM)

[88]      Tronconi MA, Fahnenstich H, Gerrard Weehler MC, Andreo CS, Flugge U-I, Drincovich MF, Maurino VG. Arabidopsis NAD-Malic Enzyme Functions As a Homodimer and Heterodimer and Has a Major Impact on Nocturnal Metabolism. Plant Physiology 2008;146 (4):1540-52. (PAM-2000)

[89]      Velikova V, Loreto F, Brilli F, Stefanov D, Yordanov I. Characterization of juvenile and adult leaves of Eucalyptus globulus showing distinct heteroblastic development: photosynthesis and volatile isoprenoids. Plant Biology 2008;10 (1):55-64. (PAM-100)

[90]      Wang G, Chen K, Chen L, Hu C, Zhang D, Liu Y. The involvement of the antioxidant system in protection of desert cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. against UV-B radiation and the effects of exogenous antioxidants Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2008;69 (1):150-7. (PHYTO-PAM)

[91]      Wang D, Heckathorn SA, Barua D, Joshi P, Hamilton EW, LaCroix JJ. Effects of elevated CO2 on the tolerance of photosynthesis to acute heat stress in C3, C4, and CAM species. Am. J. Bot. 2008;95 (2):165-76. (PAM-100)

[92]      Wang N, Yu F-H, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu F-H, Liu J-M, Dong M. Clonal Integration Affects Growth, Photosynthetic Efficiency and Biomass Allocation, but not the Competitive Ability, of the Alien Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under Severe Stress. Annals of Botany 2008;101 (5):671-8. (PAM-2100)

[93]      Wang C-R, Yang A-F, Yue G-D, Gao Q, Yin H-Y, Zhang J-R. Enhanced expression of phospholipase C 1 ( ZmPLC1 ) improves drought tolerance in transgenic maize Planta 2008;227 (5):1127-40. (MINI-PAM)

[94]      Way DA, Sage RF. Elevated growth temperatures reduce the carbon gain of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.]. Global Change Biology 2008;14 (3):624-36. (PAM-100)

[95]      Wodala B, Deak Z, Vass I, Erdei L, Altorjay I, Horvath F. In Vivo Target Sites of Nitric Oxide in Photosynthetic Electron Transport as Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Pea Leaves. Plant Physiology 2008;146 (4):1920-7. (PAM-2000)

[96]      Wu FZ, Bao WK, Li FL, Wu N. Effects of water stress and nitrogen supply on leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings Photosynthetica 2008;46 (1):40-8. (PAM-2100)

[97]      Yamane K, Kawasaki M, Taniguchi M, Miyake H. Correlation between Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in the Leaves of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown under Salinity. Plant Production Science 2008;11 (1):139-45. (PAM-2100)

[98]      Yin HJ, Liu Q, Lai T. Warming effects on growth and physiology in the seedlings of the two conifers Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana under two contrasting light conditions Ecological Research 2008;23 (2):459-69. (PAM-2100)

[99]      Yunusa IAM, Manoharan V, DeSilva DL, Eamus D, Murray BR, Nissanka SP. Growth and Elemental Accumulation by Canola on Soil Amended with Coal Fly Ash. Journal of Environmental Quality 2008;37 (3):1263-70. (MINI-PAM)

[100]    Zhang M, Kong FX, Wu X, Xing P. Different photochemical responses of phytoplankters from the large shallow Taihu Lake of subtropical China in relation to light and mixing. Hydrobiologia 2008;603 (1):267-78. (PHYTO-PAM)

[101]    Zhang X, Wollenweber B, Jiang D, Liu F, Zhao J. Water deficits and heat shock effects on photosynthesis of a transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana constitutively expressing ABP9, a bZIP transcription factor. J. Exp. Bot. 2008;59 (4)

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